The Swedish Parliament (Riksdag) is based in Riksdagshuset, on Helgeandsholmen in Stockholm. This small island is close to the Royal Palace. The Swedish National Bank used to be in this building. The building, which dates from the late 19th century, was not built specifically for the parliament.
You can make a free guided visit (in Swedish or in English) to Riksdagen. I chose the tour in Swedish.
During your visit, you will enter both parliament and the rooms where working groups and committees work. You will receive an explanation about the works of art that are on display, such as the carpet ‘Minnet av ett Landskap’. It took no less than 3,500 hours of work to finish this piece of art.
Visit Riksdagen: practical
Attention: due to the corona virus, it is currently not possible to take a tour in the Swedish Parliament. Check the website for the latest info.
If you would like to join the English spoken tours, you can do so between mid-September and June on Saturdays and Sundays at 1:30 pm (not during the Christmas holidays. From midsummer to mid-August the tours take place on weekdays, at 12 noon, 1 pm, 2 pm and 3 pm.
You can also take the tour in Swedish. Then you can join between midsummer and mid-August at 11:30 am, 12:30 pm, 1:30 pm, 2:30 pm or 3:30 pm.
There are 28 places per tour. It is not possible to make a reservation in advance. It is advisable to arrive on time. Also keep in mind that there is a security check that takes place before the tour, so make sure you are there at least 10 minutes in advance.
When I visited Riksdagen, during a weekend in April, our tour still had some places available.
How do you reach Riksdagen?
The visitor’s entrance is located at Riksgatan 3, Stockholm. Bus 43 stops at Gustav Adolfs Torg.
- Medeltidsmuseet
- Royal Palace
- Drottningsgatan
Read more about elections in Sweden.
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