Midsummer is approaching, I thought it would be nice to post a tutorial ‘making a flower crown’. For this tutorial I asked the help of expert Gillian Lowyck. She brought organic flowers and we had a lot of fun making our own floral crown for midsummer.

What do you need to make flower crowns?
- Magical flower tape – if you stretch the tape, it will stick.
- Rope with a fine metal wire
- Flowers and leafs
- Good wire cutter
- Possibly a water spray to keep the crown ‘fresh’ for a long time

Swedish flower crown tutorial
Start by measuring the ribbon / rope. Take the circumference of your head (also choose how you want to place the crown on your head – on your head or slightly more obliquely like a diadem) and take an extra 10 cm. Make a loop on one side.

Then make 10 mini-bouquets. Let your creativity run free. Do you want a symmetrical crown or not? Choose a few eye-catchers in every bouquet and make sure there is some stuffing and a bit of green. You bind them together with the magical flower tape.

You can now attach those little bouquets, also with flower tape, to the string that forms the basis for your wreath. Place the bouquet with the flowers towards the loop. Then you place the following bouquet on top in a scaled fashion. Continue this way until you reach the penultimate bouquet.

Maybe you will have to make a few extra bouquets. This depends on the length of the rope and the size of the bouquets. You put the last bouquet in the opposite direction so that you can camouflage the stems.

To camouflage the closure of the crown, you can tie a ribbon around it. Ready for the Swedish midsummer party!

Glad midsommar!
More on midsummer
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