Anyone who is interested in Sweden and the Swedish language, who has plans to emigrate to Sweden or who has already emigrated and wants to …
Book review: Villa Volvo Vovve

Take me to Sweden – Your ultimate travel guide to Sweden
Take me to Sweden – Your ultimate travel guide to Sweden
Anyone who is interested in Sweden and the Swedish language, who has plans to emigrate to Sweden or who has already emigrated and wants to …
Challenge #30dayslearningSwedish Can you master the Swedish language in just 30 days? I certainly believe you can have basic conversations in Swedish after just one …
After learning Swedish for a few months, I already bought a first book: En man som heter Ove. I was motivated to start reading books …
Are you planning a vacation to Sweden? Great idea! Maybe you want to speak a few words of Swedish by then? Perfect! It will add …
After writing the article with Swedish newspapers and magazines, this overview of Swedish media (radio & TV) was just a logical step. In Sweden, I …
Hurray, you finished Duolingo! But now what? You already have a solid foundation and you can already get off to a good start. Yet there …
One of the first things I looked up when I was learning Swedish (and could already read a bit of Swedish) was which newspapers and …
God Jul! First of all, I wish you a merry Christmas. I hope you can make it cozy at home and can spend it with …
Some time ago I went on a press trip to Sörmland. The program mentioned that we would visit Malmköping because this is where the 100-year-old Allan …
Hej, tack, varsågod … These are words that you will quickly pick up if you are travelling in Sweden. But those who want more, those …
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