Since 1960, you can watch a special TV series broadcasted on the Swedish television channel SVT every year during the advent. SVT’s julkalender or Christmas calendar as the series is called, offers a different story every year. On the SVT website you can also view all episodes of previous years.
The advent calendar began as part of another program, but it is now a complete program on its own that is very popular with children. An episode of SVT’s Christmas calendar takes about a quarter of an hour. The first series in 1960 was Titteliture. Some years are even released on DVD. SVT’s Christmas calendar is something that is very popular. The Swedes look forward to the announcement of the title and the cast for the coming year. For 2021 that will be ‘En hederlig jul med Knyckertz‘.
The broadcasts start on December 1 and run until December 24, one episode every day. Each episode lasts for about 15 minutes. In Sweden you can also buy a paper advents calendar, linked to the TV series, where you can open a hatch every day.
Viewer audiences of 2 millions and more are no exception (with only 10 million Swedes, that’s really a lot), mostly children but secretly, adults are watching it too. It’s nostalgia, and Swedes like their Christmas traditions. SVT’s Christmas calendar is not the only thing around Christmas that gets half of the families in Sweden in front of the television. Their Christmas Eve each year begins with Kalle Anka.
Julkalendern on the radio
In addition to the TV series, there is also an Advent calendar on Swedish radio every year. You can listen to it here.
Here you learn more about Swedish Christmas traditions.
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