Are you planning a vacation to Sweden? Great idea! Maybe you want to speak a few words of Swedish by then? Perfect! It will add to your experience and the Swedes will love you for trying. The words / phrases below are very useful for travellers or tourists who want to know some basic Swedish words and phrases.
No time to learn Swedish? Don’t worry! Almost everyone in Sweden masters the English language. Still, it’s kinda cool to speak some Swedish, right?
Really want to dig in? This is how I learned Swedish in just 3 months time!
Swedish for travellers
English | Zweeds | Pronounciation |
Hallo | Hej | |
Bye | Hej då | Hej do |
Thank you | Tack | |
Please | Varsågod | vaarsogood |
Sorry | Förlåt | Feurlo-t |
Excuse me | Ursäkta | Uursjekta |
Yes | Ja | |
No | Nej | |
Good morning | God morgon | Goomorron |
Good night | God kväll | Goo kvel (‘g’ like in goal) |
No entry | Ej tillgång | ej tielgong |
Beer | Öl | eul |
Water | Vatten | |
Cheers | Skål | skool |
My name is… | Jag heter… | Ja hèter |
What’s your name? | Vad heter du? | Va hèter du |
I don’t speak Swedish | Jag talar inte svenska | Ja taalar inte svenska |
I don’t understand. | Jag förstår dig inte. | Ja feurstôr dij inte |
Can I have the bill? | Kan jag få betala? | |
How much is it? | Hur mycket kostar det? | |
Can you make a picture of me? | Skulle du kunna ta ett kort av mig? | |
Where is the toilet? | Var finns toaletten? |
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